Biathlon Programs Overview for 2024-25
QVN offers biathlon programs starting at the age of 8 with air rifles. Ages 12 and up begin using .22 calibre rifles and choose to participate in the recreational or racer program. Masters (20 and up) practice as relaxed or hard as they desire. No prior skills or aerobic capacity is required.
Coaches offer athletes 2 or more practices per week where athletes have the freedom to attend any or all practices. Athletes explore dryland training, rollerskiing, shooting fundamentals, biathlon competition shooting, and on-snow skiing. Practice locations vary from QVN’s facility, other places in Lumsden, or Regina.
Program Overview
A wide range of skills, abilities and past athletic experiences can be seen in children aged 8 to 12, so we consider the ages recommended below as guidelines. If you are unsure of where to place your child, please contact us.
Program Detail
Below you will find and quick overview of each program. If you would like additional information please check out our QVN Biathlon Programming 2024-2025 PDF containing dates, practices, camp dates, inclusive cost estimates, equipment lists, etc.
All Programs Details
Air Rifle 1 (Ages 8/9) Biathlon
Focuses on developing fundamental skiing and shooting skills
Recommended for Ages 8 & 9
Sept 15, 2024 until March 16, 2025
Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30 AND Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices
$365 per season
Air Rifle 2 (Ages 10-11) Biathlon
Focuses on developing fundamental skiing and shooting skills
Recommended for Ages 10 to 11
Sept 15, 2024 until March 16, 2025
Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30, Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00, and Saturdays
Sept - Oct: Saturday (tentatively schedule for 2:00 to 3:30), Nov - Mar: Saturday TBD
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices
$520 per season
Youth .22 (Ages 12-20) Spring / Summer BiathloN
Recommended for returning Youth .22 Racers (Junior and Senior)
Optional for Youth .22 Rec and athletes moving from Air Rifle to Youth .22
Jr. Racers: Spring session (May 1 - June 23) and Summer session (July 10 to Sept. 14)
Sr. Racers: Spring session (April 29 - June 23) and Summer session (July 2 to Sept. 14)
Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday practice (Monday Sr. Racer)
General fitness, rollerskiing, shooting
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices if their youth does not have a Minor’s License
$150-295, price varies depending on option chosen
For athletes that may be involved with several sports
Sept 15 until March 16
Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30 AND Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices if their youth does not have a Minor’s License
Youth .22 (Ages 12-20) Rec BiathloN
Junior .22 (Ages 12-14) Racers BiathloN
For athletes that want to focus on biathlon
Specialized programs for both Junior Racers
Recommended to also attend Spring / Summer Biathlon
Sept 15 until March 16
Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30, Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00, Saturdays (time TBD)
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices if their youth does not have a Minor’s License
$460 per season (not including spring / summer)
Senior .22 (Ages 15-20) Racers BiathloN
For athletes that want to focus on biathlon
Specialized programs for Senior Racers
Recommended to also attend Spring / Summer Biathlon
Sept 14 until March 22
Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30, Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00, Saturdays (time TBD)
Caregivers are expected to be present at shooting practices if their youth does not have a Minor’s License
$580 per season (not including spring / summer)
Master Ages 20-88+ Biathlon
Before signing up on Zone 4 PLEASE contact the Master’s Coach (Darwin Bonk) to check for availability.
Relaxed environment and learn the fundamental shooting and skiing skills to participate in biathlon.
Late September until early March
Saturday’s only
$300 per season