Join — QVN

Become a Member of QVN

Join QVN and enjoy full access to our year-round programs and world-class trails.  QVN is a club that has room to grow.

QVN Memberships

  • Youth (under 18) Membership $25 + trail fees* $35 = $60

  • Adult (18+) Membership $40 + Trail Fees* $35 = $75

  • Senior (55+) Membership $25 + Trail Fees* $35 = $60

  • Family Membership $80 + Trail Fees* $70 = $150

  • NEW - supporter Membership $15

    (2 adults and their children under the age of 18 living in the same household)

    For family memberships, we ask that each person in the family be added when registering on Zone 4, even if those family members are not registering for programming.

    *Trial Fee are discounted 30% for members and members that join a program are refunded $35 for each program.

    Supporters are very important to our club. Supporters are full Cross Country Saskatchewan members with benefits and insurance coverage. These members help the club attract grant funding and membership based funding to help us build and maintain our trails.

    Already a member of another Cross Country Saskatchewan club? Join us using Zone4 and receive an automatic $15 discount and gain access to all our trails this season.


QVN accepts payments for various events and donations via e-transfers. 
All Canadian banks now offer e-Transfers.

Send your e-Transfer to

Automatic and easy.

This gives you ski trail access and the required membership to SaskSki.
General membership can be purchased here:

Members that want to race Biathlon will need to register with Biathlon Canada:

Rentals from Biathlon Saskatchewan can be made here: